Planned Parenthood on its Fight for Real Sex Education

The organizations services and advocacies has continued for more than 90 years promoting practical approaches about womens health and welfare, with grounds for the respect of each persons right to receive information, having their own decisions on sex, health and family planning (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    PPFA is also offers the most trusted reproductive health care for individuals in diverse communities. Their team consisting of health professionals are committed to providing people the quality health care at an affordable and reasonable price. Planned Parenthood serves the local community with a total of 91 governed affiliates throughout the nation which operate more than 850 health centers reflecting the different needs of each of the communities (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    PPFAs health centers provides various safe and reliable health care services have more than 90 preventive, primary care which can help prevent unintended pregnancies by using contraceptives and lessen the spread of the sexually transmitted diseases by testing and treatment, and screening for cervical and other types of cancers. All the health staff consisting of physicians, nurses and other health practicioners give their patients time to listen to their health problems and encourage individuals to give inquiries (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    In addition, the organization informs and educates the American community about sexual and reproductive health. Its accurate and authentic information enables all individuals to live healthy lives and have right decisions. The role of Planned Parenthood in providing honest information on sexuality and relationships in educational environments contributes to the lessening of teenage pregnancies and prevention of STDs. Every year, more than 1.2 million young people take part in the Planned Parenthoods educational programs (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    In various settings such as campuses, communities and media, Planned Parenthood is a dedicated advocate of the rights of every American to have access to extensive sexual and reproductive health care information and education. The organization strives to fight for the authorization of all individuals to access reasonable methods of contraception and the protection of the youth by offering ample information regarding sex education (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    Planned Parenthood has a total of four million members consisting of supporters, acitivists and donors across the nation. The online activists in all the states are always updated with the issues concerning campaigns that protect womens rights and health through the Planned Parenthood Action Network. Moreover, the organizations extends its mission to initiatives and advisory boards (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    PPFA is politically armed with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, an independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan organization. The Action Fund strengthens PPFAs dedication to protecting the health of women, preventing unintended pregnancies and educating the youth through its engagement in electoral activities which consists of grassroots organizaing, legislative advocacies and educational campaigns (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    Due to poverty, lack of services, war and political turmoil, many people around the world do not have the proper access on information and services on reproductive and sexual healthcare. These are the reasons the Planned Parenthood is reaching out to other countries through their local partners in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The organization sustains health and educational programs through local leadership in order for these areas to have proper reception to the various health services. Its international programs advocates the reasonable foreign policies of the U.S. which can help improve the sexual well-being and health of people around the world. It makes an effort to partner with various womens organizations, groups and family planning advocates to share different ideas, experiences and knowledge in the developing world. The organization strongly believes that every individual in this world must be given proper access to preventive sexual health care which includes birth control, cancer screenings, testing and treatment of STDs (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    Planned Parenthood strives hard in sustaining reproductive freedom for all individuals in the country and around the world. A sign of effective management of an organization is keeping up with the recognized best practices (Herman  Renz, 1999). In the case of Planned Parenthood, its health practices and any actions concerning reproductive health are trusted by individuals therefore it continues to expand globally. It is focused on solving the following six key issues (2009)
Affordable Birth Control and Other Preventive Care
Most women who need basic healthcare including contraceptive care, pelvic exam, counseling, testing and treatment for STDs  go to a health center to pay reasonable amounts. These services are vital for womens protection. It is through working together that implementations on practical preventions of unintended pregancy and affordable access to contraception can be succeful.
Protecting Abortion Access
Majority of Americans support the access to abortion because it is legal and supported by the constitution, however policymakers and anti-choice organizations impede women from having access to these services. Planned Parenthood strive to fight agains these anti-choice organizations to protect the access to various reproductive health care services.
Ensuring Health Care Access
The health care providers of Planned Parenthood are determined to make all health care services affordable and accessible in every community it operates. Most women rely on these services for health care therefore the organization must guarantee that the health care providers are included in the reform for health in order to protect the access for all families.
Expanding Global Reproductive Rights
In some parts of the world, insufficient access to health care, restrictions in legal regulations, gender discrimination, cultural taboos and lack of political determination put a lot of women in dangers of unintended pregnancy, unsafe chilbirth and abortion and STDs.
Planned Parenthood envisions to break down the barriers to proper access of reproductive health services and practicing reproductive health freedom through empowerment worldwide. PPFA addresses the said challenges through the  innovative projects in 17 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Fighting for Real Sex Ed
In this year, it is projected that more than 700,000 teens in the United States will become pregnant and by the age of 25, half of the number of sexually active people will have STDs. By preventing these cases, sex education for all indivuduals must be provided in order for them to become responsible and stay healthy.
Bringing real sex education back to American schools is the main goal of Planned Parenthood regarding sex ed and it rejects the promotion of abstinence-only programs promoting abstinence. The issues they are currently dealing with are the following
            -evidence-based sex education programs
            -abstinence-only programs
            -the state of teen health
Opposing Attacks on Women s Health
It is the right of every woman to have access to health care without worrying about violence, intimadation and harassment. Moreover, the youth must be able to gain correct information about protecting their own health. All individuals must be able to make their own decisions about their reproductive health without any hindrances. Planned Parenthood works to make every individual have all the access they need without instrusions.
    As mentioned before, aggression of teenagers towards sex is caused by various sex content portrayed in different kinds of media. A study conducted by the University of Alberta in rural areas reveal that one of three boys aged 13 and 14 are heaver pornographic users. 74 of these boys have used the internet (University of Alberta, n.d.). If internet is the problem, then the internet can also be the solution. Planned Parenthood (2009) offers online health education 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The following media platforms are used in order to spread real sex education online
Website properties - and (its award-winning website for teenagers
Social media (social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook, user-generas content sites, and blogs)
digital outreach (search engines, such as Google)
e-mail (interactive campaigns and newsletters)
    Its website for teenagers,, focuses on the various concerns of teens regarding sex. Its contents include the topics about Dating, Family  Friends, Body  Mind
Sex  Masturbation, Birth Control, Safer Sex  STDs, Teen Pregnancy and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender  Questioning. It offers various question and answer discussions and animations presentations (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    Aside from online resources, there are also programs for teenagers in national and affiliate levels promoting open dialogues, mentoring, community work, peer education opportunities and creative learning (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    Planned Parenthood has a social change effort called Real Life. Real Talk. It encourages healthy and friendly communication about sexuality within families and communities which can enable the youth to have a positive, realistic and productive discussions. This program was developed upon discussions with parents and teenagers by the organization. This program can be a a bridge for parents in talking about sexual health to their own children. Real Life. Real Talk reaches out to more than 150 local community affiliates which do not ordinarily work with Planned Parenthood. These partners include renowned medical institutions, faith organization and public libraries (Planned Parenthood, 2009).
    There are also education and training programs offered by Planned Parenthood which promotes healthy sexuality through various strategies that address issues about contraception and STDs. These are the following programs by Planned Parenthood (2009)
All Together Now
Planned Parenthood educators from seven affiliates participated in an evaluation of PPFA s curriculum, All Together Now. Educators delivered the curriculum to more than 300 youth in 11 sites around the country. The curriculum addresses contraception and safer sex, making healthy decisions, and sexual health care. Evaluation outcomes showed a significant increase in students  knowledge, in their attitudes toward using contraception and safer sex practices, and their intention to put these attitudes into practice.
Safer Sex
Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey sponsored Safer Sex,
an educational program about preventing sexually transmitted infections. A follow-up survey found that 99 percent of participating students increased their knowledge about contraception and sexually transmitted infections. The average scores on pre-tests and post-tests improved by 7 percent. Additionally, 95 percent of students indicated they would make healthier choices regarding sexual behavior.
    Planned Parenthood has taken different plans of action in providing excellent and affordable access to various reproductive health care services as well as education and information on reproductive health. These services and programs are aimed at improving the health of individuals and promoting the well-being of all the members of the family.


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