2. When I write I can not only write with generalizations, but I must use high rigor in order to justify statements. Throughout my papers, I must support the thesis and support facts with examples and research. I also agree with the classmate that I need to think critically when I do research to make sure that it is valid. If what I write is not thoroughly supported by facts and examples, it would then be questionable and not taken as seriously as something writing with great amount of proof.
3. When people write with high and low rigor, the quality of the papers are not the same. To write scholarly, one must avoid writing with low rigor. Low rigor lacks evidence to support an idea or statement made and also lacks proper citations. On the other hand, high rigor combines research with analysis, critical thinking and new information together to create a more valid paper that people would take more serious. When I write, I use high rigor so my writing can be more credible by using thorough research and examples when demonstrating ideas.
4. Both articles are about leadership. The article by Anthony Smith is of low rigor even though it holds lots of information, it is not written to persuade people. It withholds any research in order to support the theories made so it becomes more of an opinion. The article by Ballinger and Schoorman is of high rigor as it provides proper academic format, has supporting research to back up ideas made, and the thesis statement is backed up by thorough research throughout the paper. When working on doctoral research, these insights will be applied by having supportive data and research though out the paper in means of supporting the thesis and have a paper that is of high rigor. When doing a doctoral paper, it is best to write it of credibility, and thus high rigor is of importance.
5. The purpose of this exercise is something I can benefit greatly from during the dissertation process. It taught the proper and improper ways of writing a scholarly paper. Scholarly papers are to be of high rigor with well documented resources and the thesis highly supported with research throughout the whole document. It is not to be of low rigor with merely writing about ones opinion, but is to support the opinion or idea with thorough research to make it credible.
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