Gay marriage

Gay marriage (also known as same sex marriage) is the hot issue for quite some time now. Traditionally the definition of marriage is a union between a man and woman (Bidstrup, Scott 2009), but this definition has now been challenged by gay marriage, the reasons behind the criticism on gay marriage are endless. Even people, who support the rights of gays and lesbians, argue the validity of gay marriage.

The main reason for not giving gay marriage a legal status is they are against the nature, and allowing such marriages will devalue the concept of marriage. On the other hand support for these marriages is often based on the argument that marriage is commitment of two people to each other and their recognition as a family unit into a society so these marriages should be encouraged and accepted socially and legally. This paper will describe the problems and causes associated with gay marriage and how to avoid these problems.

What causes homosexuality Is a key question is it something that people are born with Or is it by choice This is important to know because if homosexuality is an inborn trait then gays and lesbians will be unable to change their sexual orientation even if they want to and if this is the case, then these people should be given equal rights and then gay marriage should not banned because it provides a strong ground for them to defend their case.

The fact of the matter is there is no single answer to these questions, some say that they became gays by choice and some will tell you that being gay is not something they chose. One interesting answer that most gays give is why anyone would choose to do something which is not acceptable to their friends, family and society. On the other hand gay marriage is not an age old concept the first legally and socially accepted gay marriage was held in 2001.

Many scientific studies have been conducted on this issue but still scientists have not been able to conclude that are there any genetic factors that make someone gay. Scientists and social sciences will continue to do their research on this topic but no matter whatever they find out gay marriage will always remain controversial.

Why so many people and societies are against gay marriages Why the future of gay marriages is so vulnerable What problems does a common man associate with gay marriages On what grounds these marriages are perceived as illegal Should the government interfere in peoples personal relationships These are some of the questions that need to be answered in order to have a strong argument against gay marriages.

The major concern regarding gay marriage is that they will destroy the traditional family structure, the love that a father and mother give to their child is natural and supporting gay marriages means going against the nature which is always treacherous. Allowing gay marriages will also encourage other people to become gay which will gradually put a stop to straight marriages.

The main purpose of getting married is to have children so in this way straight marriages are more valid gays cant have children the world is not overcrowded yet it need more children. If we had gay marriages they will raise gay children so why would we want to raise more gay children in the world. Religions also discourage gay marriages and nothing better than religion will tell you about the hidden truths and complexities of issues (Thompson, Eddie. 2007). It is an empirically proved test that children need both mother and father to be grown up properly and the love that real parents can give to a child is not comparable. Also marriage is a heterosexual institution gay marriages will completely change the meaning of marriage.

By legalizing gay marriages the world is not moving in a right direction because of the problems and hardships that these marriages can create in the future are unstoppable. There is no harm in giving equal rights to gays but gay marriages should be banned and strict laws should be made to do so.

Also awareness should be given to the children from the school level about the problems and teachings of religion regarding gay marriages. The traditional family values and norms should not be replaced. And extra attention by higher authorities should be given to this matter.

People have different opinion regarding gay marriages and everyone has a right to make his own judgment but we should look at the bigger picture and future of humanity. The problems associated with gay marriages are immense and are a big threat to nature.

Gay marriage is a relatively new concept and it can badly hurt our next generations the best way to deal with this issue is to create awareness and knowledge through media and other communication mediums.


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