Adoption of Biofuels as Viable Energy Alternative in Canada

Energy is a major resource in the production process. In view of this the production of energy should be largely diversified to not only improve efficiency, but also improve the base of production. If the passed researches are anything to go by, then the soon the adoption of Biofuels is undertaken the better. Besides, global warming is taking tall to fast and can only be contained through the use of energy sources that do not emit much carbons into the atmosphere.

In this paper the prospects of Biofuels adoption over the world is undertaken. The paper narrows down to the prospects of biomass use in Canada. The paper then looks at the current Biofuels trend in Canada traversing through production procedures and resources. The paper then looks at the method used in the production of Biofuels. The paper closes by giving a brief conclusion of the general status of the production of Biofuels not only in Canada but world over.

Biofuels Prospects  
The upsurge in the oil prices in the international market and the campaign towards a clean environment has prompted the development of the alternative energy resources. Biofuels have been seen as cost effective, hence the sudden turn to them as alternative fuel sources. The development of Biofuels in Canada has largely benefited from the sound policy guidelines offered by the government. This paradigm shift took place after the government of Canada contracted a company to undertake the EPA required Tier I and tier II testing under the government act of clean air (OECD-FAO, 2009, p.46).

The test conclusively indicated that emissions from Biofuels did not pose any threat to the health of human beings. Biofuels have no sulphur, neither do they have aromatics. The use of Biofuels considerably reduces hydrocarbon emissions into the atmosphere. In a study in the US showed that use of biodiesel reduced the amount of hydrocarbon emissions into the air by 78.5 . Moreover, the use of biodiesel has a balancing effect on the energy level. For instance, the production of a single unit of biodiesel, the needed energy does gain 3.24 units of energy (National Biodiesel Board of Canada).

The agricultural sector has been expanding hence increasing the supply of agricultural products. Consequently, this has led to the fall in prices of agricultural products. On the contrary the petroleum products have been increasing in prices. The fuel security has been estimated at 68.8 in Canada. To address this state, given the availability of agricultural products such as vegetables, biodiesel may just offer a relief (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2008 p. 76). Biodiesel offers the best options as they are not only are emission free but are also quite cost effective.

In 1996 for example, it was projected that it costed the military 57 billions to secure oil from foreign countries. Subsequently the taxes paid to this effect costed the government 4 billions. Alarmingly it also costed the government of America a whooping 45 per barrel in environmental costs (The USA energy information administrations independent statistics and analysis, p. 16). To suffice this, the American government lost 10000-25000 for every billion dollars spent in importing oil.

The aforementioned not withstanding, the supply of fuel has always remained lower than the demand in the market with the Canadian industries growing relatively fast and in  dare need for reliable and sufficient supply of fuel. This provides sufficient ground for undertaking all the efforts to utilise the available resources in the production of alternative fuels. Canada is considered the largest oil supplier after Saudi Arabia, however given the fluctuation in the international oil price and the ensuing fragile issue of global warming the Canadian government has to rethink an alternative fuel source other than oil. Currently Canada supplies the largest amount of the oil needed by America (V Kann et al, p.43).

Sadly even as one of the highest producer of oil the Canadian businessmen have still opted for importation of oil from foreign countries. In 2006 the national fuel supply board established that about 13,017,025 tons of coal was imported at a cost estimated at 61,112,428. These imports were from the US and other states (The USA energy information administrations independent statistics and analysis, p. 17).  The committee on the supply of fuels asked the nationals to consume the local oil to the maximum.

Energy Prospects in Canada
Canada is today endowed with a number of energy resources. To begin with Canada is largely endowed with wind energy. This is witnessed in almost all the territories of Canada. It has major wind profiles in the Prairies, the great Lakes, coastal areas in Ontario, the Graspe and Atlantic Provinces coast. Based on the available data from the meteorological department, it is estimated that wind energy can provide about 28000 MW of wind energy.

The solar energy potential of Canada is estimated at 70000 MW.  However, the estimate is at its minimum. The solar energy potential is in South Ontario, the Prairies and Quebec. This potential has largely depended on the adopted technology. Mainly, in the south, solar tracking panels have been used. If these solar panels are used across board the largest potential of solar energy would be attained in the Saskatchewan (The USA energy information administrations independent statistics and analysis, p. 17).

Therere also a number of potential small hydro units throughout Canada. These small hydro firms have potential of up to 11 GW. Ontario and Quebec are said to be with the largest potential. There also exist in Creeks that would be utilised to produce another combined 1000 MW. There are also a number of small hydro projects that if undertaken, could generate another 862 MW worth of hydro energy.
Similarly, Canada has high prospects of geothermal energy production. This is mainly found in areas of British Colombia. This source has a technical potential of about 3000MW. Ocean energy can also be accessed in Canada. The east and west coasts are estimated to have a potential of about 6.1 GW harnessed from wave and tidal energy. These estimates give the minimum benchmark, or else tidal river in British Colombia do indicates higher potentials (Kann et al p. 75).

Current Energy Status in Canada
In this section highlights are provided for the status of the renewable energy potential of Canada. In 2003, of the worlds 39294MW wind power produced, Canada was in the 14th place with an estimated 340MW. This wind power has been mainly installed in towns of Quebec with 28 and Alberta.  At the same time about 340 MW of solar thermal energy was produced world over and Canada had an 8 share in this production equivalent to 606 square metres. The energy is utilised for the heating of residential pools. 12 of the energy is used for domestic water heating and 7 for heat and ventilations in industrial and commercial buildings. This capacity is mainly installed in Ontario (Canakci, M., Sanli, H, p.430).

As at 2003 the world solar photovoltaic production was put at 3,120 MW, with the main shares going to Japan, Germany and the US. Of the total production Canada had 11.8 MW worth of the system had been installed. At the same time, the Canadian small hydro capacity stood at 2200MW. This was mainly produced from Quebec with a capacity of 60 and in Ontario that had an equally high capacity.

By 2007, the thermal capacity was projected at 100MW with the major projects being installed at British Colombia and Meager Creek. Besides, there was over 30000 earth energy that was installed in residential places. At the end of 2003, ocean energy accounted for 20MW of the energy supply. This was being generated at Annapolis in Nova where a plant for tidal energy had been installed. Then, there were no wave plants built in Canada apart from one meant for demonstration.

By 2003 biomass fuel supply stood at 7935MW. Biomass has been the countrys main supplier of renewable energy in particular for the generation of electricity. British Colombia has been producing almost half of the Canadian biomass energy (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2008 p 69). This has been mainly because of the provinces endowment with high resources from pulp industry, paper industry and forests. There are other provinces such as Saskatchewan, Alberta, Quebec and New Brunswick that have significant biomass capacity (The USA energy information administrations independent statistics and analysis, p 26).

Table showing Energy resource endowment in Canada
Type of energy resource Solar PVSolar ThermalWind Small HydroBiomass Number of units produced11.85606339.521827935
Pie chart showing energy resource endowment in Canada as the end of 2003
 EMBED MSGraph.Chart.8 s From the chart it is evident that the Canadian government has invested much in the biomass energy sector given it resource availability cost effectiveness.

Biofuels in the Current Fuel Mix
Fuels from oil that is crude accounts for 96 of the worlds energy demand particularly needed for transportation (OECD-FAO, 2009, p. 45). The other energy forms are used in specific applications. The total dependence on fuel harnessed from crude oil does not present an ideal state of affair. The reserves for crude oil are limited and their distribution quite uneven. The world petroleum market has experienced distortion in the supply of this important good only to have its price escalate so highly.

Diversifying this dependence trend offers a relief. Biofuels ordinarily use the locally available resources particularly from agricultural production. This does not only reduce the energy costs but also it does relief the environment from pollution arising from the release of carbon into the atmosphere. This is an energy resource that is not only cheap but also readily available. Besides, it is renewable.

In 2004, Biofuels production stood at 33 billion litres. Relative to the 1200 billion litres of gasoline produced annual is quite low. In the same year the biodiesel production stood at 2 billion litres most of which was produced in the European Union. In Germany the government has offered incentives to encourage production of biodiesel. The Germany government has made production of biodiesel duty free.

In 2004, liquid Biofuels of the EU was 2040 ktoe estimated at 0.7 of the total market. Rapeseed produced the highest amount of biodiesel. Ethanol is produced mainly from wheat and sometimes from sugar beet, though to a small extent (The USA energy information administrations independent statistics and analysis p. 16). To use ethanol, it has to be blended with gasoline and diesel. The blends are said to have side effects on the filter if the blending is not done well. This could be as a result of segregation of the biodiesel.

Biodiesel are said to have a high material compatibility. Mainly, the biodiesel do not expose metals to wear. Similarly, in high pressure systems, Biofuels tend to increase the life of the fuel injector equipment. The Biofuels have caloric value of about 37.27. This is 9 lower than the common number 2 petrol diesel. The biodiesel are meant to have a better lubricity and have a high combustion rate. This high combustion gives the engine more energy (Ho, Janet, 2007).

Biodiesel are quite compatible with other elements. However there are cases that give negative results. If combined or used with plastics the biodiesel degrades the PVC hence dissolving the polystyrenes. Besides, when metals are exposed to biodiesel, particularly materials that are copper based they degenerate. A host of metals do not however react with biodiesel. The biodiesel also have effects on the different types of rubber found in the engine (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2008 p. 65). When biodiesel loses stability, it does affects the fluorinated elastomers particularly those treated with metal oxides and peroxides.

Biomass Resource Availability
The resources required for the development of biodiesel are readily available in Canada except for the availability of the funds required in the production of biodiesel. The Biofuels are mainly produced from agricultural products. These agricultural products are mainly vegetable and wood pulp or paper.  The Biofuels may also be made from animal wastes such as manure and urines.

Production of Biofuels from barley and wheat
Wheat and other cereals are mainly utilised in the production of ethanol. When the cereals are ground and fermented they form ethanol. This ethanol can be blended with other gasoline products to give biodiesel with less carbon produced.

Production of biodiesel from sugar cane
Ethanol is also processed from sugar a product of sugar cane. This sugar is fermented over a period of time and gives ethanol (Canakci, M., Sanli, H, p.438). The ethanol similarly produced here can be blended with gasoline and other petroleum products to give biodiesel. Ethanol can also be produced from rapeseed, palm, soybeans and sunflowers seeds.

Enzymes are also being appropriately used in the production of Biofuels. Enzymatic hydrolysis coupled with gasification of ligno-cellulosic feedstock has been mainly adopted today in the production of Biofuels. These have less environmental effects. The availability of the land will have a far reaching effect on the production of biodiesel.

Biomass Conversion Technologies
The production of biodiesel can be released using a number of methods. The common production methods are discussed hereunder.

Production of Ethanol from Cellulosic Biomass
To produce ethanol advanced technology is required. The resources required in the production could include lignocellulosic from which ethanol is produced. The lignocellulosic matter is derived from agriculture.

Production of 1st generation Biofuels by fermentation from cellulosic biomass

Adapted from Biofuels in the EU
In this process it need be noted that cellulose can be converted into alcohol, just as hemi cellulose can. The two are first converted into sugar. Lignin is converted into sugar via a thermo chemical process. World over, there is little commercial production of ethanol however Canada, Europe and the US have their production commercialised.

Production of Biofuels through Gasification
Biomass feedstock can be utilised in the production of Biofuels. In particular, F-T diesels, methanol, DME and kerosene can be produced through the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass. The process can e summarised as hereunder.

Production of second generation Biofuels by gasification from cellulosic biomass

Adapted from Biofuels in the EU
More innovations are needed to cut on the production costs incurred in the transformation and in the improvement of the reliability. Similarly, the production needs to seek ways of improving the treatment and the purification process (OECD-FAO, 2009, p. 64). This advance may also check the carbon balance in the Biofuels.

The threat being posed by global warming needs to be approached through policies that will address the issue of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The invention of Biofuels is one of the moves in this direction. The salient idea does not only address the issue of global warming but also it does address agricultural productivity and returns.

However the global governments ought to put in place policies that will support the idea of biomass production. This should be done through financial support. Incentives such as duty free production of biomass will also go a long way in promoting the productivity of this pertinent energy resource.


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