Dear Mr. Barnett
I am running my own business and have constantly been hearing about Personalized Customer Service. I wondered whether this phenomenon is applicable and beneficial in the business in order to improve its effectiveness. I have done research on the phenomenon of Personalized Customer Service and have obtained several findings. The paper would start with an introduction of the topic, followed by the findings and conclusion of the report.

    Personalized customer service is basically the approach adopted by the companies who focus more on the customers and implement the strategies that are more customized and customer-centric in order to provide increased customer care (Gaillard, 2007). Or in other words, it is an organizations ability to provide individual customers with their specific needs and wants through improving and maintaining businessconsumer relationships (Bashir, Carter, Bryant, 2004). Companies in this strategy try their best to adopt the customer-drive strategy by making customized products and delivering customized services that the customer needs, in order to make them contented and satisfied. Obviously, the customers these days become reluctant to pay the price of the whole package or service in which there is something that is of no use for them. Therefore, people want to purchase exactly what they desire or what is important to them.

    As we all know that the price wars have become a common part of todays businesses among organizations it is only because of surviving in the industry and market, maintain or increase sales, and flourishing the business. The businesses adopt this strategy because the competition is growing constantly and the consumer demand has become more narrowed. It is because consumers cant and dont want to pay for everything else that they even dont need. Therefore, customers demand what they actually need. Businesses adopt certain ways for providing this personalized customer service to their customers, and are

First, they emphasize on the customers and make them realize their importance second, understanding and listening to what their customers say and how they actually feel and think about the product third, introducing several alternatives for the products such as different variants and sizes to meet their exact needs fourth, by always being truthful to their customers and respecting them fifth, choosing the most appropriate channel to interact with them and finally, keeping in touch with them and listening to their feedback (Bashir, Carter, Bryant, 2004).

Talking about the importance and advantages of Personalized Customer Service, of course there are huge long-term benefits that the businesses seek to obtain by adapting to this strategy. Some of those advantages include helping the businesses to form a profitable and lucrative customer relationships for the sake of brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. Secondly, the sales generally increase and a rarely declined by adapting to this process. Hence, the profits can be seen in a bullish trend by the company with the passage of time. Third, it makes the customers contented because they get what they exactly want. And finally, increased and complex consumer demands force the business to improve continuously.

As far as the hidden costs are concerned, yes they are there. The whole process requires market research about the choices and demands that customers have secondly, it also involves excessive innovation and quality improvement that take up great amount of investment.

Conclusion of Findings
Consequently, it can be concluded from the findings that the Personalized Customer Service can be adopted by knowing about the customers, listening to them, understanding their needs, telling them the truth and maintaining good relations with them. In result, this process benefits the business in terms of increased customer loyalty, increased sales, and customer delight. Hidden costs are there for market research because companies cant just get the market information for free they have to adopt certain methods and techniques to investigate and gather information from the market. Secondly, continuous improvement involves the costs of research and development and innovation. 

Business these days has become very sophisticated along with the choices and demands of the customers. If a business has the capability of improving its products or services continuously so as to meet the changing needs and desires of the customers, then they should definitely adopt this strategy to keep their demanding customers contented. Customization is what they main thing that customers prefer these days because they will pay for what they want and would buy what they actually need.

Conclusion of Report

    After all the discussion over the concept of Personalized Customer Service done in this report, it is obvious that customers are becoming more and more sophisticated in terms of what they want and what they want to buy to fulfill their desires. Businesses cannot flourish without fulfilling the desires of their customers therefore, they must incline their strategy towards personalized customer service and must start providing tailored products and services that suit their customers the most. This would cost their investment though nevertheless, customer loyalty and increased sales would be in their way.


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