Audience Analysis
A presentation on sales information to a diverse group of managers, sales persons and customers will be tailored with their attributes in mind. This is because the success of the presentation depends largely on the speakers ability to effectively reach the target audience. Therefore, in order for the information to be understood, the presentation needs to be formatted based on the characteristics of the audience. The first consideration will be the size of the group. If the group is large, the presentation will require more structure and more formality in order to make the group feel involved during the presentation. However, a small group need not be very structured or formal since it is easier to encourage their participation (Vu, 2007). The size of the audience will also influence the visual aid to use during the presentation.
Secondly, the knowledge level of the audience with regard to the sales information is imperative (Vu, 2007). During the presentation there is a high probability that the customers, who are the organizations greatest asset, will be limited in their knowledge of the topic. Consequently, the use of business jargon will have to be limited while the use of illustrations to highlight the main ideas will be increased to enhance a greater understanding of the data (Bullard, 2009). At the same time, the data will have to convey the practical implications and effects to enable the managers make key decisions based on the information presented. Additionally, the data must maintain the technical information necessary for the sales persons who are the experts. Inclusion of tables and graphs that focuses on the cause and effect of the information will be beneficial in communicating the data (Bullard, 2009).
Thirdly, the demographic factors will assist in formulating a presentation that allows communication of the data in the most understandable and informative way. The key demographic factors to consider will be gender, age, cultural, ethical and educational background (Bullard, 2009). A presentation made to a group of older audience, will require more deference to age and experience than one made to a group of younger individuals though respect will still abound. At the same time, age will guide in selecting the type of technology to use. The use of new technological methods may alienate the older generation who are more familiar with traditional methods of presentation. The younger generation however may be more receptive and at ease with graphical internet presentation.
When considering the education of the audience, those with higher degrees of education will have a more thorough understanding of the technical presentation than those without. If the audience consists of both genders, it will be advisable to refrain from gender stereotypes in order to avoid offending the audience. Notwithstanding, putting into consideration all these characteristics of the audience, will guide in formulating the presentation in the best possible way to reach each member of the audience.
During the quarterly sales meeting various channels of communication can be used. Face to face communication is the most efficient channel of communication especially when dealing with a large group of people. It is the most complete way of communication as it will offer a direct and intimate relationship hence allowing the audience to feel comfortable. Additionally, it will provide the opportunity to receive direct feedback while allowing for greater participation by the audience. Moreover, it will permit both verbal and non-verbal communication of the information and reduce the scope of misunderstanding (Locker Kienzler, 2008).
Though words are important, visual aids will make a big difference. Therefore, power point will also be used together with face to face communication to augment the spoken word when addressing a large audience. As a form of presentation, it will help the audience gain a visual feel of the information and also in better retention of important facts (Locker Kienzler, 2008). The incorporation of visual aids such as charts and graphs to represent visual data will be necessary in conveying the message especially data that requires comparison and involves figures. These visual aids will assist the audience to examine pronounced data, perceive the information quickly and aid in data interpretation. They will also help to effectively clarify information and at the same time represent many different data. However, the power point presentation will be used sparingly to reinforce the information being presented. Rather than using a series of words in a sentence, power point will only highlight the main points (Locker and Kienzler, 2008).
When dealing with a diverse audience the needs of the group and an understanding of their attributes will be considered. The audience especially the customers might be limited in their knowledge of business jargon hence the need to reduce or eliminate the overuse of such jargon words and acronyms (Douglas, 2003). The presentation will also need to be accompanied by supporting information to address the areas that might present deficiency in understanding by the audience. Control over the audience will be maintained by allowing questions and feedback at specific times during the presentation while at the same time meeting the needs of each member of the audience (Locker and Kienzler, 2008). Voice projection and modulation will help to draw the audience especially those with attention deficit into the presentation and reduce the temptation to lose focus.
In order to ensure that the message is effective, prior preparation will be imperative. Organizing the message with an introduction, body and conclusion will be an indication of preparation and will motivate the audience to listen. The points also will need to be clear with supporting information and arranged into key points that will be easy to follow (Douglas, 2008). Rehearsing will help in developing a grasp of the sales information and build confidence by enabling one to feel natural and comfortable during the presentation. Preparation however does not guarantee a good presentation. Delivery of the message will affect receptiveness and creates an overall impression of competence and credibility. Therefore, maintaining eye contact with the audience will capture their attention and help to connect with them during the presentation (Douglas, 2003).
Furthermore, for the message to be effective, the choice of words will also be done carefully to avoid creating any misunderstanding by using active voice which is more effective. Additionally, the volume, pitch and pace of the voice are important variables. The voice will to be projected with varying pitch to denote enthusiasm and break monotony (Douglas, 2003). Sufficient pauses within the presentation will give the audience the opportunity to process the information and help in eliminating the use of filling words such as uhs and ums which might portray lack of confidence. Knowledge of the product is important as it will cultivate confidence in the audience about the information being conveyed and influence the managers, customers and sales persons to support the changes or proposals presented.
Therefore, for a sales presentation to be successful all the different variables will be considered and the plan of the presentation will be well prepared and thought out with a balance of hard data and persuasion. Creativity will also be an integral component in the delivery of the message.
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