Communication strategies

A persuasive text is a writing that can cause somebody to believe the truth about something, and has power to tempt action or believe. Duo process theories provide an account on how an occurrence can occur in to different ways. Verbalized explicit processes or attitudes may change with persuasion. Persuasion is found everywhere and the persuaders make one to believe them, get what they have and trust them (Larson, 2009). They use languages or images that make one believe or take an action. The following is an example of persuasive text, If you think what you have been using to clean your mouth is right then you are wrong, Sensodine is the best for you, it eliminates sensitivity and bad smell in your mouth. Hurry before we clear the stock, the price is consumer friendly. This particular text communicates because along side it there were some illustrations showing very white and was surrounded by blinking images which were meant to trap eyes of the readers.

The text was meant to advertises this particular product and convince the consumers that their teeth will be the same as of this person in the picture. The advertiser has assumed that customers will not make a scrutiny of this product when he writes that it is the only product that can eliminate sensitivity and bad smell. The text has made some conclusions that seem to be true for example the product will remove bad smell in the mouth meaning that those ho will buy have a problem of bad odour and need sensodine. The advertiser has come up with this conclusion because he is aware of the problem that is affecting many people.

There is no evidence of whether the text is true or valid. There is the use of linked assertions that somehow seems to be reasonable but if they are examined logically, they will be incorrect. The text has deliberately used assertions by using logic that seems to be valid and persuasive. There is a possibility of this advertiser landing into risk if somebody realizes his false logic.

The reasoning of the advertiser was vague because he assumed that more customers will turn up on hearing that the stock will end while at the same time he forgets that many may not buy thinking that after a short while it will run out of stock. Therefore, they may lack a place to replace another one and may lack confidence in it.

The text has used syllogism reasoning because it contains a lot of generalization of the product that the public has been using as not having the same result as sensodine. The advertiser only considered his product as the best without considering that some people could have used it and did not get better results.

Duo process theory is well use in this text and at the same time elaboration likelihood model is present (Larson, 2009). In this text, a customer will have conscious scrutiny of the product before making his final judgment. The customer will make a careful scrutiny of various chemicals that make up this product and at the same time check on expirely date. The customer will do his evaluation and check the effectiveness of the product. The text  has put motivation to many because the customer will hurry up to buy it before it runs out of stock and at the same time safe thinking that what she had been using is very expensive. Therefore, he will do his best to see that he has attempted this product.
The consumer will use a comprehensive route before he makes his final judgment regarding this advertisement. For example, one can look for somebody who has been using it before purchasing one. The text has some aspect of telling a consumer to act very fast before the stock runs out. The customers judgment will be fast because the price is customer friendly meaning that everyone can afford it.

Once you read this text you will immediately change your attitude towards this product.  There is likelihood that one will like sensodine and hate the previous product. On seeing the advertisement a customer will automatically buy the product, forget the one he was using, and go on encouraging others to use even before experiencing the results. The process will continue, every one convincing each other the advantages of using this product but the truth of the matter is they will not follow one another to confirm that you really used the product.

This particular text was very effective because it was able to hit on what customers look for. The advertiser had used some assertions that really seemed to be true and valid. It has assumptions of being the best product, and eliminates sensitivity and bad smell in the mouth. There is also a believe that it is cheaper than any other product and anyone can afford it. The other thing that could have made this text to be effective is the use of diagrams that are catching the eye.


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