Conflict is brought about by people in an organization when people disagree. This could be due to lack of resources, unrealistic expectations and a difference in goals. Conflict resolution is trying to solve these conflicts so that all the employees are able to work towards the goal of the organization. One of the most accredited programs is the leadership-training program. This is a program that is designed to give skills necessary to solve any form of conflict. The key is to use effective communication to solve the problem of conflict to creative opportunities for growth. This ensures that people understand that conflict may be a mutual problem, which can be sort out by use of negotiation rather than aggression. Use of listening ensures that a person has understood the other persons point of view and his goals. When one has understood this then one can see why his actions are affecting him by understanding the person first. Turning a lose-lose situation into a win-win situation is also another tool in this program. The purpose of conflict resolution in the organization is that it not only resolves the issue at hand but it also presents new ones by opening strong lines of communication. The goal of conflict resolution in the organization is to ensure that the organization reaps the benefits of increase in productivity, more effective results and also improved synergy.

The program once applied, will enable a manager to manage conflict by identifying arbitrating conflict in the teams, whereby the manager will be able to work through the conflict with the team to reach an agreement that not only ends the conflict but involves everyone and not making a decision that the employees grudgingly obey, ability to identify difficult people who will always find fault in every decision made, and recognition of those who dont want to co-operate and who find it difficult to work with others.


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