Discovering Toastmasters

The Toastmasters international (TI) is a non-profit organization created for educational purposes that have formed a worldwide network to help people in public-speaking and leadership.  The TI has its headquarters in California and is based in more than 106 nations, since 1924.

The Mission of TI is to create a movement towards better oral communication and helps people in listening, speaking, leading and thinking.  These skills can better help people towards self-actualization and ensure better leadership and understanding.  People from various backgrounds can join the TI and fulfill their dreams of becoming better leaders and master communicating with others.
In the year 1924, Ralph C. Smedley organized the first meeting of the group that eventually became the TI in a basement in Santa Ana California.  The parent organization of the TI was the YMCA and Smedley was the Director of Education at the YMCA, California.  He felt that young people required training in the art of public-speaking and presiding over get-togethers.  Smedley named the group as the Toastmasters Club because he wanted young men and women to be trained for public-speaking in a pleasant and socially-excellent atmosphere.  When the Toastmasters club at the YMCA in Santa Ana was initiated, it soon blossomed as it created an informal atmosphere for learning and development.  Soon other communities also got interested and people formed their own Toastmasters clubs.  By the year 1930, the several toastmasters club formed a federation.  Later, the club was converted to TI when another club in British Columbia Canada united with the Toastmasters.  By the year 1962, TI was able to establish several offices in California.  In the year 1990, the headquarters of Toastmasters International was relocated from Santa Ana to Rancho Santa Margarita, California.  Today Toastmasters has more than 250,000, with 12,500 clubs in over 106 nations.

The Toastmasters Web site has a Web page titled Need Help Giving a Speech, and there are more than 10 resource links available.  Three of them that interested me the most were 10 Tips for Public Speaking, Visual Aids  PowerPoint and Accepting an Award.  The TI also has a link that can help a person on the spot for making business presentations or presentations on special occasions.  The content available on these links is easy to read, graphically-acceptable, concise, simple and easy to follow even at the last moment.  The content can help the user to overcome stage fear.

I searched for the Toastmasters Clubs in Boston Massachusetts through the Toastmasters group finder link and found many clubs, two were-

1. Boston DEP Toastmasters Club - Club  9149, Dist  31, Est 12011992
Address MA Dept Of Environmental Protection (D E P)  2nd Floor, 1 Winter St, Boston, MA, 02108, US Phone (617) 292 5787

2. Boston Globe Toastmasters - Club  1279235, Dist  31, Est 04222009
Address Boston Globe, 135 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA, 02126, US,


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