Comparative Discussion of Technical Manuals


Both user manuals employ pictures of their products features (buttons, icons, and slots) that were enlarged to be identified easily. They both have a table of contents for easy reference. The two manuals contain a step-by-step guide and specific instructions written in simple words on how to use or operate the products.

The Nero User Manual starts with a welcome page extending gratitude to the user for buying the companys product. This page is followed by a discussion on copyright laws, since CDs are very easy to replicate and resell. The Nero manual has a system requirement sheet since it is a computer software, this page discusses the requirements that need to be met for the proper installation of the program. The Nero manual ends with a list of the companys technical support contacts.

On the other hand, the TV User Manual begins with a safety precaution page which warns that when the manual is not properly followed, it could cause serious injuries. It also list all the possible actions that the user can do in case of improper operation of the product. It is also written in several languages, compared to the Nero guide that is only written in English.

Common Components of a User Manual

A user manual must include the product name (model, issue number, etc.) and a short description of the product if necessary. It must also have a comprehensive table of contents, a page dedicated to the proper use of the manual, warnings or safety precautions page if needed, and diagrams and pictures (enlarged) of the parts and components of the product. A user manual should also have a step-by-step guide on the proper operation of the product and a page containing information in case of product malfunction. Finally, it must also have a list of phone numbers, email addresses, and the office address that the user can reach in case of technical problems, and a page dedicated to the companys or issuers profile.

A glimpse of the table of contents of the user manual should give a summary of what the users can learn about the product. It should also enable them to access easily any specific information that they wish to see. There are instances when the users do not need to go through the whole manual to learn about the product. Hence, the table of contents gives them the option to skip pages and just go to the parts of the manual that are useful to them.


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