Reflective Journal Template
Todays workshop brings me to realize that education is more than books, exams, lectures and getting a degree. I realize that education drawn from the latin word child rearing is a cultural lifestyle. And more than technology, books, lectures and exams, education encompass how one is brought up. This insight sends me to question my own educational upbringing starting from how my own parents reared me. Critical questioning brings me to retrospection of my own personal journeys. I have put more weight on what is tangible but now after questioning my journey in positive way, I realize a world of intangibles that are as important in daily life.
Reality is not all that we can see, hear, smell, feel and touch. There is a subjective part in reality that we can only access by activating our instincts or gut feel. These things are not always available in books but always available when one relates to human beings, nature and the environment.
Describe why these insights, questions, and ideas are important to you. What effect do they have and what dilemmas, questions, or possibilities do they raise How do these issues affect the clarity, order, confusion, or chaos of your thinking
These insights are important to me because the reflection will give me an open guideline in my own career being an education manager. In every situation, reacting is inevitable. The way I react to the moment will be basis on how the next events will unfold. The possibility of having positive outcomes in my life will depend on my reflections. Of course when dilemmas arise, it is easier to react immediately without critical thinking. This is dangerous because thinking abruptly guided by immediate feelings can bring more chaos than order.
Accepting that there are always different ways of seeing decrease the possibility of confusion. Organizing ones thoughts according to positive motivations and outcomes is the result of critical thinking endeavors. With better insights gathered from critical reflection, relating to people will be smoother. Collaboration is a better alternative than having winner and losers. A win-win situation is attained by collaboration that will give rise to more positive relationships.
What issues, questions, and dilemmas are you going to explore further Why and how How will your actions influence who you are and how you relate to others What relational nets can you construct to continue this process of reflective and critical learning
I would like to explore the issues on how to manage the insights I gather. There is a decisional activity when insights and reflections arise. These decisions as an education manager are important because it will be foundation to learners who are practicing their own critical thinking competencies. The way I relate to others reflects my personality, my vision and my goals. My vision as an educational manager, no matter how ideal will be of no use if my relationships with my colleagues cannot embody my vision. Studying the kinds of relationships and three-dimensional characters will make my point of view bigger and therefore enlarge existing contexts that I know. Knowing different kinds of social constructs is also important because reflections and critical thinking are based on cultural dimensions. The more I know of these dimensions, the more I can understand how people will react. The more I know how people react to stimulus, I would be able to better choose the management tools to use in different situations.
Education is a mission. It doesnt stop when I leave the educational institution. Even the home is a place of learning. Relationships are places of learning. Therefore, to sustain the process of reflective and critical learning, relational nets must be constructed. Continuous simulations can help increase my practice of critical thinking. I must be articulate in my insights. Keeping a reflective journal like this exercise is an effective way of checking the development of my relationships according to the path of my personal visions.
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